Customer service what in the world is this anymore!
It is something that has been bugging me for a long time, it is time for the world to wake up and realize that the customers are just a number to all these company's! Is it the fact that the mom and pop stores we grew up on AND GREW TO LOVE no longer exist, or is it that America alone is so selfish and careless and heartless to every customer that walks into there store???
As a business owner do you not pride yourself in Customer Service being #1. Where did we go wrong, where has this changed, as for myself who have worked in customer service for many, many years. I am disgusted by the results that have come in this world. I prided myself in making sure customers left happy satisfied and would continue coming back to my place of employment!
I was raised that customers are always right no matter what, and it is our job as workers to make sure they come back, with out these consumers the place you are employed would go out of business and you would end up on the unemployment line, or finding a new job. I don't know maybe that what they want to sit at home and have the government paying there bills, so they can sit on there couches and watch T.V. all day and stuff there faces with junk!
It makes me sick when I walk into a place like lets say a gas station and the employee wants to continue there conversation with there fellow co worker while I am standing up waiting to be rang up for the purchase I made and I have to wait and wait and wait, than they finish and give you a look like WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT!!!!!! or you walk into a place and they never say hello, how are you today nothing. What happened America???
The other day I went into a Burger King and purchased my food, and when the manager called my number I asked for 4 things of Ranch, she proceeded to tell me I will have to charge you a $1 because our truck driver never delivered ranch to us when he showed up this AM. What in the world is this lets charge the consumer more because they forgot to order Ranch seriously! How is that good customer service, how is that making the customer happy and leaving satisfied, how is that going to make me stop and order from that place again, and what kind of manager are they? I could understand if she looked at me and said we are low on Ranch and I can only give you 1 because the truck is behind I would of been good with that but to first come off snotty and say I have to charge you $1 and than proceed to tell me why, I want to know how is that my fault as a consumer you forgot to order or the warehouse forgot to put it on the truck??? If I paid the $1 would that make the Ranch come quicker for everyone else???
Seriously America what happened to the old customer service values, that we all grew up on?
I am so happy I do not have to raise children in this society because I am pretty sure those people we all loved you know the little friendly neighborhood store owners I am sure are rolling over in there graves, or if they are still alive are very displeased at the way society is becoming!
I wish there was a opt out button because I would of hit it a long time ago, it just makes me sick to think we are hiring these kind of people who could careless about themselves, there careers, and have no pride in anything they do. I know people have bad days heck we have all had them, but when you go into place after place and you get treated like this it is no longer just an employee having a bad day, it is that the working class has no pride in the work they are doing anymore for God knows what reason.
Waitresses out there, when your customer sits down, it should not take you 10 minutes to come to that table and wait on them, nor should they have to find a waitress and tell them what drinks they like to have with there meal. Surprises me how fast you give me my check but it takes you forever to take there order REALLY!
Cashiers, when a customer walks up to your check line, you do not continue your conversation with your fellow employee, you do not give the customer the look like what the hell do you want, you need to smile, greet, and ask if they found everything you needed today, wait on them and tell them have a great day please come back and see us, and when the customer first comes into the store you should greet them and say hi, hello, welcome to what ever place your working at.
Now that is what GOOD CUSTOMER SERVICE IS ALL ABOUT!!!!!!!!!!
And lets not forget THE CONSUMER IS THE ONE WHO GIVES YOU A JOB IN THE FIRST PLACE WITH OUT US YOU BE JOBLESS AND HOMELESS!!!!!! keep that in mind next time a customer walks into your place of business it does not matter the place or how much you make lets take a little pride in the work we do PERIOD